Prietenii pot fi, binecuvântare sau blestem în funcție de cum îi alegem dar și de cât de mult îi lăsăm să ne influențeze viața, spune Psihologul Constantin Cornea. Cât de…
Read moreUitați-vă cu atenție în jurul vostru și poate veți rămâne surprinși. În principiu, una din 10 persoane suferă de o tulburare de personalitate, ce nu îi permite să se implice…
Read moreThe mentality of the business man greatly resembles that of a Poker player. Either play or do business for several reasons such as: the love of the game, the desire…
Read moreHow many times you had a difficult relationship with your superior? Perhaps you had had such intense experiences that you had to leave the job as you could not get…
Read moreThe Facebook or the social network sites can be the place where we can share our feelings, keep us up to date to the latest information but represents also a…
Read moreSome people are afraid to say no, to refuse someone or something. What is the motivation behind of saying “yes” constantly without really feeling it? Let’s emphasize those situations in…
Read moreA workaholic is a person addicted to work and like any addiction, it hides a personality disorder, depression, anxiety or trauma. I will first expose the psychotherapist point of view,…
Read more„Tomorrow is Monday, I don’t believe it. I have to go to work again. My head hurts just thinking … How good it would be if there was no on…
Read moreAnticipated or not, the death of a loved one leaves scars. Finding balance after such event often seems impossible. Therefore, sometimes, help might come from the outside. The solution in…
Read moreToday, increasingly more people are talking in psychotherapy sessions about their problems at work and how difficult it is to keep their calm. Most often the only viable solutions to…
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