How to keep your calm in the office

Posted: 23 februarie 2019 by admin

Today, increasingly more people are talking in psychotherapy sessions about their problems at work and how difficult it is to keep their calm. Most often the only viable solutions to them seem to be these two: to change the job or open their own business.

Let’s describe some of the most common problems that may arise at work:
·         Mismanagement in the sense in which tasks are divided unfairly or without precise details
·         Communication problems which are based on:
o   lack of understanding or understanding of the different tasks
o   cultural differences 
o   differences of character 
o   desire to climb the corporate ladder at any cost 
o   under load or overload workload
o   differences in approach or vision of the professional tasks 
o   underpayment or overpayment 
o   problems in their personal life
o   differences in age, character or vocational training
To talk about solutions we must first identify the cause of the problems: most of the time the  in psychotherapy we often find that there are a blend of personal problems (family or social) and professional ones. Therefore the recommendations is to first go to a psychologist and try to identify and resolve problems regardless of origin.
If you do not want to work with a psychologist, here are some solutions in case of conflict in the workplace :
·         First when there is a tense situation it is better to try to go outside the room or to do some deep breaths to manage to get out of the state that we feel, whatever it's called: anger, shame, disapproval;
·         After we overcome the emotion and we can master our behavior and communication is better to sit at the desk and try to write on paper a few details related to the situation: causes and solutions;
·         For people who work a lot in the office without getting up from the computer it is recommended to take 10-minute breaks every two hours minimum to move your body or to oxygenate. Often these people can become irritated by the simple fact that they do not move.
·         Is very good to pay attention very carefully to the tone of the voice we use when we are upset. Most often due to an inadequate tone the essence of a speech is lost, and thos present remember only the tone.
·         The words used are also very important. No matter how angry we are, we must not forget that there is a code of good manners that should not be missing from our lives in any circumstance;
·         To assess our status sometime during the work schedule. We may find that:
  • We feel tense because we sat too long at our desk;
    • From a desire to finish the job duties as soon as possible, we forget about our physiological needs, which creates tension;
    • Lunch should not be taken at the computer, or standing, or at irregular hours. Also, nibbling occasionally on something on an obsessive- compulsive way or being hungry can make us irritable.

The conclusion can be: the causes of conflicts at work can be related to personal problems (family, social, professional training, salary or career expectations) or work problems (differences of understanding, character, professional training). Most often the causes are a combination of the two types of problems. It is advisable to go to a psychologist to find out what are the problems and how we can solve them.

Autor: Psiholog Constantin Cornea